About us

What makes a good About page?

A good About page shares your unique story and gives people a glimpse into what it’d be like working with you (as an individual or company).

It should be equally fun and meaningful to resonate with the intended audience. You can document your journey of starting a business with visuals to make the page more appealing.

There’s no one-fits-all structure for About pages because they’re personal to you and your company. However, I’ve curated seven best practices after reviewing some of the best About pages.

Let’s break down the step-by-step process to design a stellar About page.

How to Write a Winning About Page: A Plug-and-Play Guide

I looked at dozens of About pages to understand exactly what goes into creating a beautiful yet functional page introducing you/your company.

I’ve condensed all my learnings from this exercise into a 7-step guide for building an excellent About page.

1. Establish your mission statement.

Your About page can and will be more comprehensive than a single mission statement.

However, to draw people in, you need to succinctly state your goals up top.

What is your business here to do? Why should your website visitors care? This information gives readers something to remember about your company long after they leave your website.

I found that the best About pages quickly tell you the individual/company’s big-picture goals. Here’s a great example from Cosmix — the About page gives you a six-word summary of their biggest goal and shares their three core values.

2. Create a narrative around your story.

Every business has a story to tell.

Even if you’re running a startup with a brief history, you’ll want to share why you started this company in the first place and how you’re planning to reach your goals.

Talk about how you reached where you are today and what you plan to accomplish next.

Miro’s About page shares a short snippet about the company’s origin story. It perfectly explains the problems that nudged their founder, Andrey Khusid, to build the tool and how it’s achieving this purpose.

💡 Pro tip: Isolate the milestones before your company’s founding and use them to give readers some backstory on your current venture.

3. Outline how you’ve evolved.

There’s no shame in admitting how your business strategy — or even your way of thinking — has evolved since you began. In fact, talking about your pivots makes your story more layered and intriguing.

An About page is the perfect place to talk about where you started, how you’ve grown, and the ideals that have helped your organization mature.

Use these moments to show people that you’re always ready to change and adapt to the needs of your industry.

Buffer’s About page shares a complete timeline of events in the company’s history — from 2010, when it was first created as a group project, to its present-day milestones.